April 26, 2018

Rainwise Weather Station and NEWA

On April 25, 2018, I installed and set up our new Rainwise weather station. With this new station, we are now members of NEWA. The Network for Environment and Weather Applications (NEWA) delivers weather data from weather stations located on farms through the Internet at Cornell University and automatically calculates and displays weather data summaries, crop production tools, and integrated pest management (IPM) forecasts. NEWA tools promote precision IPM and crop production practices. 

NEWA was formed in 1995 and continues to evolve with advances in pest and weather forecasting. It is operated at Cornell University by the New York State IPM Program and the Northeast Regional Climate Center (NRCC)
Weather data is radio transmitted from the weather station to the internet and then uploaded into NEWA. Climate data is archived in NEWA and run through quality control routines prior to calculating and displaying weather summaries and forecast tools for precision agriculture.

Degree days (DD) with base temperatures for different crops, insects and plant diseases, including growing degree days (GDD), are calculated and displayed. There are over 20 weather-based IPM forecast tools in NEWA. More tools are added when developed and validated.

In addition, NEWA links to climate, weather and IPM forecast products developed by other groups and researchers (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NRCC, National Weather Service, ipmPIPE, the North American Plant Disease Forecast Center, etc.).

To access our weather data at Royal Oak Farm orchard, simply bookmark this link: https://www.rainwise.net/weather/0090C2FF5987.  You will be able to access temperature, wind  direction and speed, humidity, dewpoint, pressure, isolation, precipitation, leaf wetness, growing degree days, sunrise and sunset times, the weekly forecast and radar..